How to use Plugin jsencode in IBM WCM 8.5


The problem

JSON is the current format by excellence for sending messages and getting information via web services. But we usually have a big problem because of special characters like double quotes, let’s go back for a moment to remember how a well-formatted JSON looks:

"field" : "value"

As you know, previous is a well-formatted JSON block, but what happen if the “value” is something like this:

"title" : "I am creating the "definitive" guide to use encoding in WCM"

Previous code is going to fail for sure! and that’s because we are using double quotes in the “definitive” word as the value for the title, which breaks the well-formatted JSON we created.

The solution

Ok, now what can we do if we have IBM WCM 8.5 version? Easy, just add the jsencode plugin in next format:

"field" : "[Plugin:jsencode enc="js" value="SOMETHING_TO_ENCODE"]"

For example if you want to encode the title of pieces of content:

"title" : "[Plugin:jsencode enc="js" value="[Property context='autofill' type='content' field='title']"]"

What kind of output will we get using this plugin?

"title" : "I am creating the "definitive" guide to use encoding in WCM"

Finally, if you need to encode many fields, this is more complex example which encodes the author, title, siteTitle and the summary.

      "date":"[Property context="autofill" type="content" format="relative" field="publishdate"]",
      "author":"[Plugin:jsencode enc="js" value="[Property context='autofill' type='content' field='authors']"]",
      "title":"[Plugin:jsencode enc="js" value="[Property context='autofill' type='content' field='title']"]",
      "url":"[Placeholder tag="href"]",
      "overrideURL": "",
      "thumbnail":"[Element context="autofill" type="content" key="thumbnail" format="url"]",
      "siteTitle":"[Plugin:jsencode enc="js" value="[Property context='autofill' type='top' field='title']"]",
      "siteURL":"[URLCmpnt context="autofill" type="parent" mode="standalone"]",
      "summary":"[Plugin:jsencode enc="js" value="[Element context='autofill' type='content' key='summary']"]"


The principle behind this is simple: for every single JSON value using the plugin jsencode, WCM -behind the scenes- is going to execute a procedure to encode the HTML before rendering the page, which solves the issue in a great way!

That’s it for today, don’t forget to be happy with your code!

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