How to get the timezone in Ubuntu Linux?

If you are using a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu the easiest way to get the timezone is by using following command: timedatectl The output should look similar to this: Local time: Tue 2018-07-24 11:27:00 CDT Universal time: Tue 2018-07-24 16:27:00 UTC RTC time: n/a Time zone: America/Mexico_City (CDT, -0500) Network time on: yes NTP…

How to get MySQL time zone?

Under certain circumstances it is relevant to know the timezone in which your date is being stored in a Relational Database System, for example MySQL. One of the easiest ways to know is just by running following command: Step 1. Login to MySQL mysql -u root -p Step 2. Run a “select” query to get…

How to reset page navigation component to render the content items from first page in IBM WCM

The problem When working with navigation components, it is common to share the same pagination in several menu or personalization components, however this introduces an issue because when clicking on the “Next” or “Previous” page the URL is going to have a parameter with the paging state which causes the problem of keeping the page…

What is a render parameter in IBM WCM and how it is related to the Plugin RenderParam?

Today, while I was reading the IBM WCM plugins documentation I found a plugin called The render parameter plug-in, which definition is formally: Use the RenderParam rendering plug-in to access public and private render parameters from your web content. Taken from The render parameter plug-in article in IBM Knowledge Center. So, these questions came into my mind: what is it…

What is a namespace in JavaScript?

There was a time when we didn’t have the power of ES2015 JavaScript modules to create applications; so, we had to invent a system to keep our code well-organized, avoid collisions in names, share functions among JavaScript blocks or files, etc. that is when the concept of namespace came into play in the JavaScript world….

What is semantic versioning?

Have you seen how a project like Angular is versioned? You have maybe noticed when a brand-new release of that framework is created they release  it with three numbers, e. g. Angular 5.0.0, now the question is: what those three digits mean? The answer is simple: they are using a system called Semantic Versioning or mostly…