Nos vemos pronto mi preciosa, nos vemos pronto mi amor

Hoy es 23 de Febrero del 2018, estás a dos días de cumplir un año más de vida, agradezco al universo por ponerte en mi camino, este va a ser de los pocos artículos que escribiré en español en este lugar, mientras me sea permitido tener uso de razón. He querido dedicarte estas palabras en…

How to Install Node.js on CentOS 7

The Problem Today, I was testing the new Angular 4 Scripting Application sample provided by IBM as a starting point for creating Script Portlet based Apps. However, my development environment is a CentOS 7 computer, and I usually don’t work with Node.js in that computer, so here the simple steps to install Node.js in a…

Enable CORS in a Node.js Application

The Problem So… you are creating an awesome Single Page Application with your favorite front-end framework (Vue.js, Angular, etc…) you need to connect your app with an external service; you have selected a JavaScript library to make the AJAX calls (like Axios), everything seem to be perfect, you create your method to get the remote…

How to set moment.js timezone when creating a date

The Problem Since Moment.js is a library that runs client-side, when you create a new date using it; the constructor will take the current user’s timezone. This is not convenient when you want to display a list of dates that don’t depend on the user’s browser. Let’s see an example of this, imagine you have…

How to use the Plugin Otherwise in IBM WCM 8 and 9

The challenge Imagine you want to run a kind of conditional if with a fallback (else) for example: you would like to have some custom HTML markup when there is no description set on a piece of content. Let’s see following pseudocode: IF is_There_A_Description(current_Content) DISPLAY description ELSE DISPLAY a default text So, how could we emulate this…

How to know if a user is authenticated or not in WCM 8 and 8.5

This is pretty simple way to check if any user has a session started or not; this is useful in cases where you want to display or execute an specific code depending on the user session. To create this kind of validation we can take advantage of the WCM plugins Equals and NotEquals [Plugin:Equals text1=”true” text2=”[Plugin:RequestAttribute key=’userLoggedIn’…