How to check SHA1 digest in Mac OS X

Hi! Today, I just want to share you an easy way to check the SHA1 digest using a the terminal in Mac OSX. This command is really useful when you need to know if any file -for example an ISO- was downloaded correctly. Step 1. Open a terminal. Step 2. Type next command and wait…

CakePHP Database connection “Mysql” is missing, or could not be created in CakePHP Console SOLVED

Today, I spent some time helping a partner of mine trying to figure out how to enable and use the CakePHP console in Mac OS + XAMPP (Mac OS version of course), so, after searching on the internet what was going on, I realized there was a problem with the unix_socket for MySQL because Mac…

How to authenticate in a Linux server without password (configuring SSH keys in MAC OS X or any UNIX-like Operating System)

When you need to connect to several servers because you need to share, update or syncronize a set of files, a common situation is authentication process with the server, if you do this several times in a day, it could be a little hard to type or input your password every time that you are…